IMID Monitor

The client
The challenge
For rheumatic patients and patients suffering from an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) it is getting increasingly important to gain and experience control over their disease and communicate properly about the state of their disease to their physician. There are several scientifically validated questionnaires / tools available that support both self-empowerment as communication with physicians. The challenge is to utilize these tools in an efficient manner for both patients and physicians.
The approach
While the patient waits for their appointment in the hospital, they can use the IMID monitor on a monitor in the hospitals waiting room to fill in the scientifically validated tools in a user-friendly manner. The program provides scores, giving inside into how a patient perceives their disease, how a patient perceives their control of their disease and the current status of their disease. The physician can view this data and this provides better communication between patient and physician. All questionnaires / tools that are utilized in the IMID monitor have been scientifically validated by physicians and medical specialists.
IMID monitor is available in Dutch, French, German and English in several hospitals. The Terms of use / Privacy Policy and the labeling are available.